HOPE Christian Concepts, Inc.
HOPE Christian Concepts, Inc.
A Counseling & Life Needs Ministry
HOPE offers a PRIME For LifeĀ®
Alcohol and Drug
Prevention and Early Intervention Program
HOPE offers a PRIME For LifeĀ®
Alcohol and Drug
Prevention and Early Intervention Program
"PRIME For LifeĀ® is available for youth and adult audiences to help them understand their risk for experiencing alcohol or drug problems throughout life. PRIME For LifeĀ® can be taught as a prevention program for virtually any group.
"However, unlike many other drug or alcohol programs, PRIME For LifeĀ® has been specifically designed for groups that typically make high-risk choices." This may include impaired driving offenders, college students, or young people charged with alcohol or drug offenses.
PRIME For LifeĀ® includes prevention and intervention content. Universal audiencesāthose without any known increased risk factorsāmay need only the risk reduction information provided in the prevention component, though many universal audiences benefit from participating in both the prevention and intervention course.
This is also true of most selective audiencesāthose whose members may have increased risk for problems. Indicated groupsāthose whose members may already be exhibiting signs of problemsābenefit from a more intensive version of PRIME For LifeĀ®. For example, youth in juvenile justice facilities and DUI offenders often receive 20 to 24 hours of ātherapeutic educationā that includes more activities and reflection.
PRIME For LifeĀ® serves universal, selective, or indicated audiences, and options are available for each.
PRIME For LifeĀ® is delivered to people convicted of driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol or other drugs. The program is used statewide for impaired drivers in Georgia, Hawaii, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky,Maine,North Carolina, North Dakota, Rhode Island, South Carolina, and Utah. It is one of several programs that may be used in many states.
PRIME For LifeĀ® is delivered throughout the country to youth ages 13 to 20 who already engage in high-risk drinking or drug use or who are in a group likely to begin making choices that increase risk for problems. Thousands of young people throughout the country are taught the curriculum through juvenile justice systems, underage DUI programs, court diversion, school student assistance, and similar programs. The program is taught system wide in South Dakota, Maine, Hawaii, Alaska and Kentucky. Some schools teach the curriculum in the middle or high school setting.
PRIME For LifeĀ® is used with adults in many settings, from court-ordered audiences to the workplace or places of worship.
PRIME For LifeĀ® is the standardized, world-wide substance abuse program for policy violators, command referrals, and self-referrals to the Alcohol and other Drug Abuse Prevention Training (ADAPT). The final decision followed a several year process in which the Army thoroughly examined available programs and conducted an evaluation of PRIME For LifeĀ®with soldiers.
The Swedish Prison and Probation Service have implemented PRIME For LifeĀ® nationwide after an extensive review by an accreditation panel made up of independent experts and researchers. PRIME For LifeĀ®is also used in Sweden by the Swedish military.
With the supplementary parent materials, parents not only learn information to reduce the risk that their children will experience any type of alcohol-related problem over their lifetime, but also learn how to communicate this information. The program is used with parents whose children are participating in court diversion or juvenile justice program."
Information Source:
Prevention Research Institute Website 6/19/10
PRIME For LifeĀ® Earns Excellent NREPP Scores
From the GA Department of Driver Services Website www.dds.georgia.gov
PRIME For LifeĀ® prevention and early intervention program has been selected by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) for inclusion in the National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices (NREPP).
PRIME For LifeĀ® is the program used in the Georgia Risk Reduction Program regulated by the Georgia Department of Driver Services. Approximately 45,000 DUI offenders attend the program in Georgia each year through community DUI Schools.
PRIME For LifeĀ® is an evidence-based substance abuse prevention and intervention program backed by over 25 years of program evaluations indicating success in reducing recidivism and drinking, increasing awareness of personal risk from drinking and drug use, increasing motivation and intention to change risky behavior or relapse.
For more information about Prevention Research Institute, Inc. and its PRIME For Life programs, visit www.primeforlife.org.
8 Hours $175.00